Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Jim Struzinsky

Mr. Jim Struzinsky has taught for many years. He graduated from Syracuse University and worked for Marriott International before officially becoming a teacher. Mr. Struzinsky comes from a lineage of teachers starting as early as 1812 and currently teaches sixth grade history at Hidden Valley Middle School. He works hard and is devoted to help get his students to love history and to pass the SOL. He lives in Roanoke with his wife and three daughters.
Before Mr. Struzinsky became a teacher he worked for Marriott International. After working many hours a week, he realized that he needed something better to support his family. He decided then to become a teacher. He says that, “Anyone can make money in business, but it’s much harder to do this kind of thing, to develop a mind.” He is hard-working and is always happy when a student is finally able to understand the subject. He says, “The most rewarding aspect about being a teacher is, of course you’re never going to have enough pay, you’re never going to get enough recognition; what’s rewarding is when that child who couldn’t do, can do and understands why.”
Mr. Struzinsky is also very compassionate to his students. He says “I am able to understand everyone’s situation because I have taught so many different grades.” His teaching style is great for sixth graders because his joking style makes them feel at ease as they make the change into middle school. He is also articulate and helps his students understand history well.

Mr. Struzinsky’s dedication and love of teaching make him a Hidden Hero. Teachers do not usually get the recognition they deserve. Coming from a long line of teachers, he inspires all of his students to do what they love.


  1. I personally love Mr. S, and I didn't know that's the reason he became a teacher!

  2. I never had Mr. S, but I remember I was told he would give you a 0 if you forgot to put your name on whatever paper you were turning in. But I also heard he was hilarious, so I feel like a missed out.

  3. This man is a great history teacher. He once got me out of a detention because I brought him and our class Dunkin Donuts.

  4. This is interesting. I love Mr. S. so much, for he's one of, if not my favorite, my favorite teachers ever. This made me love him more. He's funny, enthusiastic and everyone around him is happy due to his positive personality. Love this man !

  5. Such a beautiful smile on such a beautiful person!

  6. You know what? The first comment didn't express how awesome this mans is. He teaches content very well and does it in a fun way! He's so funny-I laugh every time. One time i died laughing? But, I'm still here to say that I love this man. He made me happy everyday and I left his class dying in tears every day? He's a great guy and I appreciate his work everyday. The fact that he goes out of his way to make the classroom enthusiastic and fun rather than simple and basic. I've died at least 4 times from his humor? I'm still alive though, it's weird, right? I love you mr. S., and I know you probably won't see this but you are my everything. Will you marry me? Haha, just kidding-I'm 15. I miss and love you though. -Love, Keller

  7. He was a great teacher. I had fun in his history class.

  8. He was a really good teacher and super funny.

  9. he was a good teacher and very funny

  10. Funniest 6th grade teacher alive.

  11. The funniest teacher I ever had

  12. He was my favorite middle school teacher.

  13. I never had Mr. S. as a teacher but he is a great person.

  14. He is a great teacher with a awesome sense of humor. But he gives a lot of homework

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


Scott Caldwell