Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Lori Wimbush

Ms. Lori Wimbush has had a job in education for a while now. She knew she wanted to become an educator in her junior year of high school. She was heavily influenced by her teachers and family. She went to Liberty University and Radford and got three different degrees and one of them was in social sciences. Next she became a social studies teacher because of her love for history. Ms. Wimbush was encouraged to become more of a leader, this caused her to become an assistant principal at a young age.
Ms. Wimbush is very supportive of her students and teachers in their academic and athletic interests. She always makes an extra effort  to attend sporting events and extracurricular activities on her own time. "I just remember my experiences as a high school athlete, student and not really seeing any of our administrators there or teachers , and then they show up and you're like wow that’s pretty cool. And I think you all are taking the time to engage in these activities and we need to support you," she said.
Ms. Wimbush is very selfless and never puts anything in the school ahead of the students needs. "I'm always wanting to do what is best for the kids, a lot of tough decisions have to be made, but we have to do what is best for you all. So you know some of the driving forces we have made is you all," she said.
Also Ms. Wimbush is very motivated and influential. She is motivated by her students to do her job to the best of her ability. "There are a lot of things not fun about being a principal like paper work and stuff, but when we walk in the halls and see you guys laughing it makes it all worthwhile," she said.
Ms. Wimbush has enjoyed her time at Hidden Valley "I love it here. It's been great. It's been fun and everyone is so friendly," but Hidden Valley definitely loves having her working at the high school more. These reasons show why Ms. Wimbush is a Hidden Hero.


  1. Ms. Wimbush is the best principal I've ever had.

  2. She is one of the nicest principals I've had

  3. This is a great article! Ms. Wimbush is a great person!

  4. She is always very upbeat and cheerful as are principal!

  5. She is a great hidden hero!Good job guys she is a great nominee

  6. One of the best principals I've ever had.

  7. Ms. Wimbush is a great person, and so dedicated to her job.

  8. She is a good person to heart and cares much about every student.

  9. Everytime I see her at one of my games it makes me want to do just a little bit better

  10. I have seen her around the school being a very positive person. I am thankful to have her as the school's principal.

  11. A year after this post she became a real hero when one of Hidden Valleys students went into Cardiac Arrest. Lori truly cares about her students well being. Hidden Valley is blessed to have Lori for their principal!


Scott Caldwell