Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sergeant Daniel Muns

Sergeant Daniel Muns is a 43 year old veteran. He served in the Army as a Ranger. Sgt. Muns had finished his training at Fort Benning, Georgia. He worked at the Ranger school at Fort Benning to train rookies that are just coming in.  He has a wife named Angelina. With whom, Sgt. Muns moved to Roanoke to be closer to his friends.
Sgt. Muns first joined the military when a friend of his told him and two other friends, and he was the only adamant one about serving the country, “I wanted to serve, that was my initial motivation,” he said, “I really felt called to serve.”  He joined the 3rd Ranger Battalion in Fort Benning, after he was recruited.  He became dedicated to serving the country, but not alone, he said, “After I got in, it became not only about serving the country, but serving with the people that I was in the military with.”
            Sgt. Muns is selfless for serving in the Army, he said, “I did…, just under thirteen years total.” After he enlisted as a Ranger, he went through Basic at Fort Benning. Afterwards, he did four tours in Iraq. Then he was experienced to train the new recruits, saying, “I ended up going working at Ranger school.” During his four years, he was stationed at Fort Benning. He later went into the National Guard.
            While in the National Guard, Sgt. Muns recalls really enjoying the experience because it gave an opportunity to serve with other veterans in a more casual way. Sgt. Muns joined the National Guard because of 9/11, wanting to do something for his country. Sgt. Muns served in the National Guard until he retired from active duty in 2006.

            Sergeant Daniel Muns is and adamant American for serving 13 years in active duty. He was deployed in Iraq, Haiti, Panama, England, South Korea, San Diego (while in the National Guard), and Fort Benning, Georgia where he helped trained the newly recruited rangers. These reasons are why Sgt. Muns deserve to be nominated a Hidden Hero.


Scott Caldwell