Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Stevie Woods

            Stevie Woods has been a Latin teacher at Hidden Valley for 4 years. She is a dedicated teacher who lives in Roanoke with her 13 year-old daughter. Ms. Woods took on the Environmental Club her second year teaching after another teacher was not able to run the club anymore. Although the club does many things, its main aspect is recycling. Ms. Woods collects and recycles bags full of water bottles, paper, and other recyclable things that the students and teachers use throughout the school.
            “I realized that nobody was collecting the recycling anymore…so I just decided…that I’ll start a club, and if it’s going to be anything I’ll do the Environmental Club.” Ms. Woods said. She takes all of the recycling to the Brambelton Center herself with her personal car. She said that whenever the bins at the center are full, she has to leave it in her car until they clear up. The club also plants trees in places like Garst Mill Park. She tries to get the students involved with it by making a contest of who can collect the most plastic bags and take them to Kroger, or this year she is making a spirit week dedicated to the club.

            Ms. Woods has used Titan 21 to inform people about it and raise money for the club. As the club has grown, the school has started to provide bags, which has helped save the club money. The club has also gotten other people involved like Deca. She says, “It has inspired other students to branch off with it… I’d like to see the program grow,” Ms. Woods says, “The staff itself is really supportive of it, and they’re patient with me.” She achieved a lot for Hidden Valley and the people with the school by starting the Environmental Club. 


  1. Great impact on environment. Good club to start!

  2. I love Ms. Wood's story! Great job

  3. Environmental club seems like a great thing to have at our school!

  4. such a great idea, love this piece

  5. Great teacher, and its even better there is an environmental club!

  6. Probably the best teacher, who also cares alot personally about her students.

  7. One time, I tried to stuff Jagger in one of her recycling bins, and she got mad at me. :(

  8. I have her for Latin 1 .. She is one of my favorite teachers.

  9. A great teacher who cares about more than just grades.

  10. Love your effort to conserve and help save the environment.

  11. On top of grades, she also teaches us valuable life lessons. A very influential teacher at Hidden Valley.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Great choice, Ms. Woods is a great teacher.

  14. Ms.Woods' efforts to help the environment are certainly influential.

  15. I'm not in her class but whenever she pops into Dr. Spence's class she is always happy and positive.

  16. Awesome teacher and love how she leads the class.

  17. Such a great interview! What a special teacher too


Scott Caldwell