Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tim McSherry

Tim McSherry has been a paramedic for 37 years. He started as a volunteer EMT in Roanoke City in 1980. Mr. McSherry began to work for a paid job in 1984. He works 24 hour shifts, with four days off a week at Fire Station 1 on Franklin and Elm Avenue. Mr. McSherry is the captain of his station, and is certified to teach. He has two sons, and a daughter. When not working, Mr. McSherry spends his free time coaching volleyball and playing racquetball.
This kind of job really shows how selfless you have to be, “We have to be ready to get up when the buzzer hits and immediately go from a dead sleep to emergency mode,” he said. Not only is Mr. McSherry selfless, but he is dedicated to what he does, “I rattle, but I don’t rattle easily, when you’re not sure what to do stand up, step back, take a deep breath, in with the good air out with the bad air,” said Mr. McSherry.
During stressful times, and tragic endings, Mr. McSherry and his crew have to be sympathetic towards one another. He said, “I love sitting down with my guys and having a good cry. It keeps us sane.” Mr. McSherry believes the most important thing about his job is, “Going home, getting a paycheck, nah! Once in a while we do something that actually makes a difference in somebody’s life.”

Mr. McSherry is courageous, and a hardworking paramedic. He dedicates his time to help families and people daily, and expects nothing in return. Mr. McSherry has a passion to help people which makes him a hidden hero!


Scott Caldwell